Coloring Book:
Collaborate with local high school art classes to create coloring book pages
Publish coloring book
Sell on site, at fundraisers/events, online, etc.
Possibility of publishing a new coloring book each year
Coloring Contest:
The first page of the coloring book should advertise coloring contest
Applicants must be 10 and under with help of a parent/guardian
Submit one colored page per month
One winner to be chosen every month
Prize: $5 coupon for the snack bar (something small that will bring in customers)
Fine Arts Poster Contest:
Advertise contest to local adult artists and college art majors
Poster should capture the tone of the campaign tied in with the tone of downtown Danville
Choose one submission to make into posters to be sold for $15
Make all submissions into a book to be sold for $25
Winning poster could also be made into t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.
All items should be sold on site, at fundraisers/events, online, etc.
Telethon: 24 hours
Location: Bloomsburg University
Performances, activities and food (local performers, student organizations and more)
Live media coverage (News stations, radio stations, etc.)
Art Show:
Anyone can enter (all ages)
All art sells for $25 ($15 goes to artist, $10 to the campaign)
"Celebrity Speaker"
Location: TBA
Donors will be formally invited to make a donation in order to attend the event
Refreshments and Hors d’Oeuvres will be served